Operating rooms

Operating rooms

In 2009, a unique operating unit appeared in our clinic. Unique, first of all, because the operating rooms ordered and made especially for us, we received entirely from Germany. The built-in operating rooms are designed and equipped with the latest technology. We invite you to see what is usually hidden from prying eyes and find out why it is very safe to operate with us as much as possible. comfortable.

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After passing through a special sanitary access block, the surgeon approaches the washbasin. Washing the hands of surgeons is a long process. According to the rules, several types of disinfectants are used, we have seven of them. Clean hands the surgeon is not touched by the tap: the water turns on and off automatically.

On a special board, the operating day is signed.

We have provided our patients with maximum comfort, everything is provided: an operating table with heating; a pillow under the head provides a comfortable position of the body and prevents excessive stress on the scalp and neck the spine at the point of contact with the surface of the table. The image on the left shows the monitor used for the most complex endoscopic operations: with its help, the surgeon sees the magnified image several times image-this makes it possible not only to do without the traditionally large cuts, but also reduces the risk vascular or nerve damage during surgery.

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In the picture on the right: an anaesthetic machine that takes control of your system while you sleep. vital activity. The complex technique controls not only the heart and blood pressure, but also the metabolic processes: the composition of the exhaled air, the composition of blood gases, blood oxygen saturation. Modern anaesthetic equipment in combination with highly qualified specialists allows you to carry out multi-hour complex operations. operations. Our patients do face lifting at the same time, correct the shape of the nose, increase the breast, clean the skin. local fat deposits with the help of liposuction, and in addition, remove polyps, fibromyoma or other intrauterine formations. Because in our clinic, at the same time with any aesthetic correction, you can perform surgical treatment of the existing disease. If you have to take a time-out in business, it is always more convenient solve several problems at once, without wasting time on each one individually, right?


In this operating room, orthopedic operations are performed, including such complex and voluminous ones as replacement hip joint. Note the glass dome above the table. A special system creates over the patient has a" cap " made of sterile air. It feels like a forest right after the rain: sterile air it smells like ozone.


The digital X-ray machine allows you to monitor the work of an orthopedic surgeon-traumatologist right in the operating room.


Since premedication is done in the ward, by the time the patient is in the operating room, many patients are already in the hospital. they feel relaxed and sleepy. On the heated operating table, caring hands are wrapped in warm ones bedspreads, and instantly, with a sense of home comfort, sleep comes.


The lobby looks like a scene from a science fiction movie, pictured: the doors to four of the clinic's five operating rooms.


From the operating room, the patient enters the intensive care unit. Here, too, everything is special: the air (carefully repeatedly filtered), lighting (special natural light lamps). And monitors, monitors, monitors…

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After the operation, the patient sleeps. Anesthesiologists monitor the state of health with the help of special monitors. Automatic drug administration systems provide a comfortable wake-up after anesthesia, painless and safe calm.

After waking up-transfer to the ward. We have furnished our rooms with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. Each ward has comfortable furniture, a medical bed, and a private bathroom with a washbasin, shower, toilet, bidet.



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